Seavizor Desktop Portal

Seavizor Desktop Portal offers a user-friendly interface for managing data, enabling secure collaboration, and viewing true status of the project. It’s a flexible tool that can be customised to match specific workflows and processes, improving efficiency and accountability.

Simple interface to manage data

In the Seavizor Desktop Portal you effortlessly manage data.

Safe collaboration and full history of changes

Unlike traditional spreadsheets, Seavizor provides a secure and collaborative environment for managing your data.

  • Prevents accidental deletion or duplication of data 
  • Records detailed history of changes allowing to check who changed what and when.

Made to reflect your workflow

Seavizor is designed with flexibility in mind, adapting to your unique needs and processes:

  • Customize to match your workflows.
  • Configure user roles and permissions
  • Adapt to your preferred terminology and units
  • Scale as your needs evolve

Curious how it works?

Request a free demo!

Get inspired

Tell us your goals, and we'll present innovative solutions that will excite you.

Estimate costs

We'll provide an indicative cost estimate, so you can decide if a project is financially viable.

Meet the team

Get a personal feel for who you'll be working with. After all, it's the people that make the difference.

I will work closely with you to realize optimal processes that guarantee efficiency, quality and project success.